1.1 - 25µm Infrared Broadband Filter

1.1 - 25µm Infrared Broadband Filter

The 1.1 - 25µm infrared filter is typically used to detect infrared radiation remotely to determine the temperature of objects. This is termed thermography and also know as forward looking infrared (FLIR). Thermography (thermal or FLIR imaging) is mainly used in military, law enforcement and industrial applications but the technology has reached the public market in the form of infrared cameras on automobiles. Thermographic and FLIR cameras detect radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum (0.9 - 14µm) and produce images of that radiation. FLIR devices allow personnel to see objects in total darkness, through smoke, and other challenging conditions without revealing their presence or offering awareness the perimeter is being monitored. Night vision devices are not required with thermal or FLIR imagers since heat generating objects reveal themselves. Contact REFLEX Analytical to discuss your requirement. Custom components are encouraged and quoted upon request.

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